Martin Noddings Martin Noddings

Pakistan ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan shot and wounded at protest march

Pakistan's former prime minister, Imran Khan, has been shot and wounded in the leg in an attack on his protest march in the eastern city of Wazirabad.

A senior aide told AFP news agency it was "an attempt to kill him", but police are yet to confirm that he was the target. Members of his PTI party said another four people were hurt in the shooting.

Mr Khan, 70, was leading the march on the capital Islamabad to demand snap elections after he was ousted in April. The former prime minister was seen being taken to a hospital in Lahore. A party spokesman said he had been hit in the shin. Another party leader, provincial health minister Yasmeen Rashid, said Mr Khan was in a stable condition.

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Martin Noddings Martin Noddings

ISIS-K, Islamic State, The Taliban and Al-Qaeda: How Are They Different?

So-called Islamic State, the Taliban, and al-Qaeda are all radical jihadist groups, but they are not all the same.

The so-called Islamic State, al-Qaeda and now the Taliban are radical jihadist groups focused on ridding the world from the threat, as they perceive it, that Western culture poses to Islam.

However, although broadly speaking they share a similar ideology, their views actually differ significantly – so much so that the three groups have often found themselves in conflict with one another.  

And although there's no disputing the fact that IS have dominated the media in recent months, both al-Qaeda and the Taliban are still very much at large.

But what are the differences between these three prominent terrorist organisations? 

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