Close Protection

Experience you can Trust

Cerberus Solutions have worked across six continents delivering appropriate, bespoke and effective personal security solutions for our clients. Our service delivery creates a secure and safe environment for our clients whilst allowing them to go about their normal lives, intervening on normal daily routines only when necessary.

Our clients include:

  • Business leaders

  • High net worth individuals

  • Celebrities

  • Witness protection Individuals

  • Media units

  • NGO’s

  • Delegates and small groups

  • Families travelling in unfamiliar countries (Please see Travel safe)

We understand that there is a sliding scale of threat from assassination, kidnapping, assault and injury to opportunistic robbery as well as organisation and personal brand damage.  We look to identify and assess these threats in relation to each client and implement appropriate measures to mitigate any threat.

Risks attached to each client are fully assessed, taking into account our clients personal and professional relationships, travel destinations and the cultural challenges of foreign countries they might visit. The security measures will be tailored to meet the threat level and the clients requirements by implementing one operative to a whole team of operatives:

  • Overt security - Deter a possible threat through visible protective security and react when and if required

  • Low profile security - Blend in but react to challenges and threats if necessary

  • Covert protective surveillance - Unobtrusive and inconspicuous protective cover reacting to a threat if necessary

Total empathy is ensured for the unique pressures, issues and circumstances of our clients, we attempt to work around these as efficiently as possible whilst still focusing and prioritising their security.

Expertise & Capability

Cerberus Solutions draw on a close-knit team of handpicked highly trained and experienced operatives drawn from military and police backgrounds who also have a proven track record delivering personal security in the public sector utilising the correct skill sets, experience, interpersonal skills and personality to meet the requirements of the client, both male and female and multilingual operatives are available. 

We pride ourselves on our operative’s intelligence and ability to negotiate, facilitate and enable in difficult environments, they are highly competent in high stress situations producing positive results and outcomes.

We offer short or long term support. Cerberus Solutions can offer a number of options; from a lone member of our team integrated within your staff to a fully equipped cohesive team to add a wealth of experience ensuring you and your interests are safe guarded.

Global Support

Our global operations are tailored, ensuring that we only deploy the right highly trained and globally experienced operatives, many of which carry out high-profile and complex regional protective tasks on a full-time basis, and have done for over a decade. Cerberus operates utilising proven, trusted local partners when appropriate and necessary.

Contact us to discuss your requirements

If you would like to talk to someone about Close Protection, please get in touch.