Security Drivers

Risk Reduction & Mitigation

If you have a requirement to be transported from one place to another quickly, efficiently and safely with a highly trained Close Protection trained driver then Cerberus Solutions can meet this need.  Our drivers are highly trained in offensive and defensive driving skills for escape and evasion in hostile environments. They will chauffeur you smoothly and efficiently between your appointments and meetings, however if called for they are also trained to react quickly to any incident and efficiently move the client out of immediate danger.

Consummate Professionals

We provide high caliber security drivers with extensive local knowledge:

  • Close protection trained

  • Medically qualified

  • Polite, intelligent and personable

  • Discreet, integrity, highly reliable

Complete Solutions

Our drivers can drive you in your own vehicle or we can provide an executive vehicle for business or pleasure at home or abroad.

Cerberus Solutions are also able to train your current driver in the skills necessary to deal with a hostile situation, please refer to our Training page.

Contact us to discuss your requirements