Martin Noddings Martin Noddings

More than 200 people killed by flash floods and landslides in the Democratic Republic of Congo

We are deeply concerned about the recent flash floods in the village of Nyamukubi, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Flash floods can occur without warning, leaving little time to evacuate or prepare. They are often caused by heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt, and can cause widespread damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure. In the case of Nyamukubi, the flooding has caused significant damage to roads, bridges, and homes, leaving many families without shelter or access to basic services.

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Martin Noddings Martin Noddings

Northern Turkey hit by severe flash flooding

Severe floods hit the Turkey Black Sea coastal provinces of Bartin, Kastamonu, Sinop and Samsun, destroying homes and bridges.

At least 17 people have been killed in flash floods in Turkey’s Black Sea region that have sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges, and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month.

The floodwaters brought chaos to northern provinces just as authorities were declaring that some of the wildfires that had raged through southern coastal regions for two weeks had been brought under control.

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